

Easter break, period.


It was a hectic week. Assignments just wont stop knocking in my life. Well, it's easter break now and I'm relieved. I can have a break after awhile.

My friends have gone to lot of places as I speak right now. Some have gone to Spain, some go to Turkey, Amsterdam and who knows about the other. I'm still here anyway and not going anywhere afterall. Three assignments needed to be submitted after school open again and that fact really kill my mood for a holiday.

Anyway, I've been to Spain last winter but when I think back about the trip, I can feel that something is missing from the trip. After 4 months, I think I know what's missing, interaction with the local.

We really lack of that part. We kept on pushing to reach new places and see lot of historical places but we dont really interact with the locals there. Yes, we have problem in language and I dont blame anybody but myself for that.

After these years, it started to come to me that it's not what we see but who did we meet is matter in any trip.

I have been in Beirut last autumn and frankly speaking, I miss Beirut much more than I miss Spain. I meet my unknown 'relative' there and subhanallah, the feeling was wonderful and it still fresh in my mind about the feeling that day.

A place is a place.
It cant speak nor it cant move.

The people is what make a place is a special place.

An opinion is just an opinion.
A philosophy is just a philosophy.
A religion is just a theory.

Islam is just a theory but it's the PEOPLE that make Islam is a religion.

p/s:just a clueless rambling at in the middle of the night.


Malaysia dan makanan


We eat a lot. That's what Malaysian do. We eat for breakfast, 10 am, lunch, 4 pm, dinner and then so-called supper. But we lacked of one thing. Actually we didn't realise one thing;


Then let man look at his food(and how we provide it)

If all Malaysians remember this particular ayah everytime they eat their food, masyaAllah, I'm really sure Malaysia will have such a harmony environment.

Speaking of food, have we ever ponder when we look at baby how they know to suck milk from his mother's breast?

The baby just being born and he automatically know how to fill his stomach.

Dont you guys ever think about it?

Maybe it's too common up to a point you guys never bother about it. Ignorance is a bliss? Think again guys.

Just watch this video and dont say to me you guys didn't think how he able to do that.

Just like Allah says in the quran;

And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register.

Seriously, how the baby kangaroo knows where to go after he was born?

Never stop thinking brother.