

We Are a Muslim Please

Just finished reading this book and it is absolutely amazing. How the writer bring up the issue of identity conflict between British, Muslim and Pakistani. I've read a lot about this conflict but she's the one that really bring the full understanding in me.

Well maybe I can say it's not really practical for us who are Malay Muslim in Malaysia but it really help us in having understanding about what is racist really meant which is vital for every Malaysian in Malaysia. Maybe a little bit of exaggeration here because you cant really got the full idea just by reading only one book but you will have the idea on how it feel living in others country and the dilemma that they have.

This book will be the next on my definitely-will-be-buying-but-God-knows-when-will-be-readed list.hahaha


Dilemma Malaysia


Well, I'm back in Malaysia. Hot-and-lots-of-mosquitoes Malaysia.

The upside of this time in Malaysia is my niece is staying at my house since her mother who is my sister still recovering from giving birth to my cousin. Yes, the one that I know a week after he was borned.=_="

Anyway, this is happening yesterday;

Niece : Paman nak pergi mane? (well I am javanese if you guys havent realised it yet)
me : Pergi masjid
Niece : Amia nak ikut?
me : Pergi tanya mama
Niece : Mama, Amia nak ikut pergi masjid
Mama: tak buleh, Amia duduk rumah je.
me : Esok paman bawak Amia eh?

I dont intend to lie to her when I said those line to her but after thoroughly thinking about it, I might have to break my saying to her.

Well, if you guys didnt know, lot of masjid in Malaysia are adopting unfriendly system towards kids. The kids have to be at different saff(line) from the adults. Sometimes there are mosques even put a signboard to limit the kids from entering the so-called adults zone. I remember last year I attend one of the talk in one mosque near with my house and the imam strongly said that it is not allowed for kids to be at same saff with the adults. It will break the saff. I regret myself until this moment for not having balls to argue with him last year.

This rule actually the culprit that makes the kids playing around and making noises while the adults are praying. Once the imam have started the prayer, the kids will go playing and when it about to finish, all the kids quickly get back to the saff and do tahiyat akhir. You guys remember about this right? This is what we use to do after all.

Daripada Anas bin Malik katanya neneknya, Mulaikah telah menjemput Rasulullah s.a.w. untuk makan makanan yang disediakannya. Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w. makan sebahagaian darinya kemudian bersabda: “Bangunlah, saya akan mengimamkan sembahyang kamu. Lalu saya mendapatkan sekeping tikar kami yang berwarna hitam kerana sudah lama digunakan kemudian saya merenjiskannya dengan air. Rasulullah s.a.w. berdiri, seorang anak yatim berdiri bersama saya dan nenek di belakang kami. Baginda bersembahyang mengimami kami sebanyak dua rakaat.”
-diriwayatkan oleh Imam al-Bukhari (nombor 822)-

That should be enough to state my point. With that, I end my rambling.

p/s : ape la aku nak cakap malam ni dekat niece aku nih. adoyai~