
Wednesday 2 November 2011


While i'm still a kid, i used to be afraid of a dark places. But it's normal wasnt it? Lot of stories being told about how scary dark places is. Sometimes there will be a white figure appear in front of you and sometimes some scary thing will creeps coming to you. Scary wasn't it?

Even without those stories, i still think the feeling will still be there. Even after this many years and i know all the stories are made up to scare children, i still got some lingering feelings when i have to go to a dark place alone. But ego as a man always help me facing those situation.

From all of this, it make me thinking what is actually I am afraid of? Is it the darkness or something else? Or is it just feeling of being alone that afraid me?

I will never know for certain. I only know the feeling is there which make me think that this feeling is a nature for me and maybe a nature for human being. Which bring me to think that perhaps what i really afraid of is not the darkness but the unknown is what scared me.

You will never know what hiding in the darkness. It might be a dangerous animal, a poisonous insect, a ghost, a criminal or maybe nothing in there.

And god, in my case Allah knows well our nature. Well He is the one that created us afterall. Allah stated that in rukun iman that we have to believe to the unknown thing (perkara ghaib) . The idea is that we will afraid to the unknown and result in us obey to Allah.

However, even the idea sound so beautiful and practical there are lot of people still not afraid of Allah. They still not afraid commit sin even though hell and heaven is the unknown thing that by nature we afraid of. Even angels are always following us around every moment and we really don't know about them but crime are still everyday.

What happen?

Human should be afraid of the unknown by nature.

It still unknown for human about their ending. Either heaven or hell.

It still unknown for human WHEN they are will die.

It really puzzling me what really occur in other people that did not afraid of the BIGGEST unknown in their life. Instead they really afraid about insignificant matter like who will they married to or what kind of job they will get after they graduate.

It's not like i'm not thinking about the same thing but to think about insignificant stoff until forgetting much more important stuff is not making sense at all!!

Fair enough. They might have their own problem or they are just being ignorance.

Note to myself;
Never told a ghost stories to my children instead told a story about the REAL BIG unknown to them.